Honey meads in the EU

This event was proceeded by the publication of the EC regulation (WE - No. 729/2008) from 28th of July 2008.

The application for registering Polish meads, prepared and submitted by Krajowa Rada Winiarstwa i Miodosytnictwa at Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierow i Techników Przemysłu Spożywczego, was put forward in Brussels in November 2007.

The history of honey meads goes back to the beginnings of Polish statehood. Their production is characterized by over thousand years of tradition and a wide diversity. As a result of ever-enhancing production methods, various kinds of honey mead has developed throughout the centuries. The traditional division into "połtoraki”, "dwojniaki”, "trojniaki” and "czworniaki” still exists until now in the consumers' awareness. 

The names mentioned above relate to the traditionally established composition and production methods - to be precise the proportion of water and honey in a honey barrel.
For instance, the definition of "połtoraka” is as follows: "połtorak" is a mead, made by using two units of honey for each unit of water.

The European Union has already registered three regional Polish products: 'Tatravorland bryndza' and 'oscypek' qualified as Protected Designation of Origin and heather honey from Lower Silesian woodlands qualified as Protected Geographical Indication.
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