Breeding Lines

Currently in our of Breeding Apiary the following races of 'Carnica' line are included
  • car Dobra
  • car Karpatka
  • car Alfa
  • car Beta
  • car Vigor
Their most important characteristics are presented below.


  • Line derived from the local material of Polish Carniola bee

  • it was bred in the area of Dobra, Limanowa and Tymbark, preserved and subjected to the preliminary selection in the apiary of Jerzy Smotra from Tymbark

  • it comes from 1994 in the apiary of the Beekeeping Farm 'Sadecki Barnik'  and exists a preserved swarm run according to the program of Dr Andrzej Zawilski
  • it lives longer than Carniola bees, remains in winter cluster, later and more carefully starts brood. It demonstrate more intense dynamics of growth in a period of stable weather. Under favourable conditions makes honey from fruit trees and Dandelion

  • it is gentle and  holding on to combs. It penetrates forage meticulously. It quickly localizes and makes use of honeydew forage. It overwinters quite well even on winter reserves with honeydew

  • "Dobra” is unusually immune to brood mycosis what is proved by the researches conducted in several scientific institutes. It is long-living. Sometimes, bees quietly replace their two-year and older queens. Problems are to be taken into account when introducing queens

  • „Dobra” is suitable for commercial and amateur apiaries, especially recommended in highland regions. The line was entred into breeding register



  • this line possesses fixed and reproducible genetic characteristics as it is in the program from 1967

  • it establishes large families. It is a line intended for large and extra large quantities of forage
  • in periods of forage abundance a beehive becomes filled with honey very quickly, however in periods without forage it should its reserves should be controlled and bees sometimes even fed
  • bees from this line make use of all kinds of raw material, including honeydew

  • "Alfa” is a gentle bee with a low tendency to swarm, holding on to combs and well overwintering

  • its main characteristic is 'cross-perforating, the comb what enables horizontal moving of the overwintering cluster

  • bee families of this line tend to keep the nest clean


  • line ran from 1962, possessing fixed and reproducible genetic characteristics

  • it establishes families of medium size and is recommended for average quantity of forage although is unusually productive

  • "Beta”  arranges reserves on the both sides of the nest, in frames completely filled with honey. It is highly economical in using reserves and it often does not require additional feeding in the season

  • despite not very intense flights, daily increase in a beehive if bigger than in case of other bee families. Bees tend to limit their brooding queens in periods of large forage quantities

  • both lines "Alfa” and "Beta” overwinter well and very quickly buildup in population


  • line was imported from Ukraine, it is characterized by all typical traits of Carniola race
  • it overwinters well and quickly builds up in spring
  • it makes use of all kind of forage: from the earliest (spring forage) to late (honeydew forage)

  • it requires expanding the nest if it is to keep up the working mood

  • "Karpatka”  is a long-lived, mild bee that holds on to the combs

  • it is perfect for interrace and interline crossbreed

  • it is entered into breeding registers


  • it comes from Chech breeding of Mr. Cermak

  • the Breeding Apiary of 'Sadecki Bartnik' has exclusive right of breeding and distributing queens of this line in Poland starting from May 2003

  • carnica of this type is adapted to the climate and forage conditions of Pogorze

  • it demonstrates dynamic but late spring bulidup. It uses the earliest forages of willows, orchards, Dandelion, nectar and honeydew

  • it requires good overwintering conditions with reserves combined with honeydew

  •  "Vigor” race bees are immune to diseases thanks to quick cleaning out of the infected brood cells

  • the race is not violent , mild and long living. It holds on to the combs

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